Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Favorite Adinkra Symbols

Sankofa - "Reach back and get it"

symbol of learning from the past and looking to your roots

Ananse Ntontan - "spider's web"

symbol of wisdom, creativity and the complexities of life
Ananse, the spider, is a well-known character in African folktales.

Bi Nka Bi - "No one should bite the other"

symbol of peace and harmony This symbol cautions against provocation and strife. The image is based on two fish biting each other tails.

 Akofena - "sword of war " 

 symbol of courage, valor, and heroism The crossed swords were a popular motif in the heraldic shields of many former Akan states. In addition to recognizing courage and valor, the swords can represent legitimate state authority. 

 Nyansapo "wisdom knot" 

Symbol of wisdom, ingenuity, intelligence and patience

 An especially revered symbol of the Akan, this symbol conveys the idea that "a wise person has the capacity to choose the best means to attain a goal. Being wise implies broad knowledge, learning and experience, and the ability to apply such faculties to practical ends."

Nyame Dua  - "tree of god"

 symbol of God's presence and protection

The Nyame Dua is a sacred spot where rituals are performed. Erected in front of the house or compound, it is crafted from a tree that has been cut where three or more branches come together. This stake holds an earthenware vessell filled with water and herbs or other symbolic materials for purification and blessing rituals.

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